2024 Holi Milan

Holi Milan 2024

It was yet again a memorable NIHAA event, marking onset of festival of colors – Holi, an event that was
organized with much aplomb and enthusiasm. NIHAA Team and volunteers brought to us a day\evening
that was filled with fun and spirit of festivities alike. This colorful tradition that symbolizes spreading joy,
and fostering unity among communities was the key with which NIHAA organized, planned, and
executed “Holi Milan” 2024 samaroh.

As we all know that Holi is celebrated in the spring season, marking the end of winter and the beginning
of a new season of growth and prosperity. The festival coincides with the blooming of flowers and the
renewal of nature, symbolizing the cycle of life and rejuvenation. With NIHAA organizing such events like
HOLI, it gave people who are away from home country to come together to celebrate Holi as ONE and
one community, to pay tribute to the beauty of nature and the cycles of life.

The greetings extended by NIHAA by applying “Tika” with Holi colors, was a way to symbolize love and
respect that NIHAA extends towards the community, kids were given away “Pichakaree” to enjoy and
drench themselves in the spirit of the festival. There were performances from Kids and Adults alike, that
entertained the audience through out the evening and friends and families danced their way with DJ
music. People smear “Tika” on each other’s faces, danced to traditional music, and indulge in festive
delicacies. Speech by NIHAA President addressed a “Thank You” note for the community for their
overwhelming and unparallel support for NIHAA without which this wouldn’t have been possible.
As Holi continues to evolve and adapt with changing times, there is a growing emphasis on preserving its
traditional values and cultural significance and what better way to organize event like “Holi Milan” by
NIHAA to impart and educate the significance to new generation. Holi serves as a reminder of the
importance of safeguarding cultural heritage and passing down cherished traditions to future

Thank you NIHAA, BOD Members and volunteers who worked relentlessly to bring this Festival of
Colors, Love, joy, togetherness, and feeling of renewal of energy to the community. Thank you for
providing us with a platform where people immerse themselves in the spirit of love and festivity,
warmth, and unity. Holi is more than just a festival, it is a celebration of life and all its vibrant hues. A Big
Shout out to entire Team for bringing us all together as ONE Community and celebrating our festivals


Pallavi Siddharth Singh


Google Photo Gallery: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipPyD23foy_o57yCdej4ETBci5LohTrJpABuyVqu8fX8eADaCvpyEoiEzTzSZD7pRQ?pli=1&key=YUtkZHBOY0ZvMERlZm1QVk56YXdUcDJ1YmRQZFZR